I met my best friend, Emily Rankin Welch ’99, on the first day of orientation on the lawn of the President’s house in 1995. We struck up a conversation, realized we both lived in Freeman Hall, and started walking back together. Meanwhile, to my mortification, my father captured the moment on film. Today, I am so glad that my father snapped that pic, because it captures one of the most important moments of my life. Emily has been my rock, supporting me through breakups and breakdowns, eating dozens of late-night pancakes with me after rock shows in Boston, introducing me to my husband when we were both working as assistants in publishing after graduation, holding my hand as I struggled through fertility treatments, and, just last night, looking after my kids when my husband and I went to my kindergartner’s back-to-school night. I can’t imagine life without Emily and my other dear Wellesley sisters. For this, I will forever be grateful to Wellesley.

The Wellesley effect is the friends I made here, who have supported me ever since.