I count on Wellesley - my network of professors and soul-mate friends - to provide a sounding board for ideas and life decisions, to buoy my spirits when they are low, to give advice and care, and to connect to a greater movement of incredible people of all disciplines who inspire and give me courage each day. I need the Wellesley effect to remind me to remain strong in the face of persecution, especially in the current age of anti-feminist political action. I need the Wellesley effect to remind me to keep pushing for what is right, to be a good ally, to listen when I need to, and raise my voice when it's appropriate. I need the Wellesley effect because it reminds me that the world needs the Wellesley effect; needs us to keep pushing boundaries and setting new highs. Without the Wellesley effect, where would we be?

The Wellesley effect means everything to me: it shapes my present and my future.