At Wellesley, as a music major, I discovered my passion for early music. Along the way, I learned that I could fully explore my interest in the Middle Ages by adding the med/ren studies concentration. I delved into music's sister arts, as well as English, history, and political science. Threads and themes from my chosen classes overlapped quite nicely in a manner that they wouldn't have if I had concentrated only on my music studies. Now I teach early music at a university. I use my Wellesley knowledge every time I take on the exciting task of preparing a new syllabus outlining the composers and pieces that we'll learn as the semester progresses--so many possibilities! I trust my abilities to bring as much of what I have learned (and am still learning) to my teaching so that my students get the "whole ball of wax" (musical and historical context) as they take on the performance of old music on old instruments. I learned from the best. Thank you to all of my Wellesley professors and to Wellesley.

My wonderful Wellesley professors inspire me as I teach my own students!